holy f**k, are you kidding me?
BTW: My apologies for the pictoral lewdness. Then again, if the language used in the above photo is what rises to the level of "offensive" at this point, then those persons affected need to catch up on current events IMO. I'm confident you could find a thing or two down in GTMO that might also give someone touch of the vapors.
Via Daily Kos, apparently the pro-torture asshats at the GOP have decided to hold their godforsaken '08
MP3 Blue America - "Have You Had Enough?" (download via MySpace)
ETA: According to alphaaqua over at Daily Kos, local political reporter Pat Kessler reported on tonite's WCCO news that the Democrats were only days away from choosing the Twin Cities to host their '08 DNC, but were pre-empted from doing so by the Republicans making their offer first. Ugh. Hey GOP, the Jerk Store called...
And on an only slightly unrelated note, tonite's Countdown had a must-watch special report on the lead-up to 9.11.01 (via Daily Kos):
While I feel like I've been way overdoing it on the Olbermann posts lately, I frankly cannot help myself. Anybody else feeling the Murrow-esque, Good Night & Good Luck vibes (and I'm not referring to the anchor's borrowed, reverential sign-off) from Keith's outstanding & vital reporting, especially in recent weeks? So while the repetitive Olbermann blogging may be a little awkward, as Mark E. Smith once said (albeit over & over), sometimes you just gotta "dig repetition."
Fucking relax. Stay inside and read a book while they're here for crying out loud.
What a whiner! Engage!
Well, aren't you the fragile flower. Republicans across town, heavens! Bring on the fainting couch.
Mate, wow.
You're a wanker.
I guess you only favor the first amendment when it's your free speech. In the hood they'd call you a punk, maybe a bitch.
You really have no idea how silly you look and sound, do you?
You've been linked by Lileks. Expect a flood of hits from the thuglican Bushitler theocrat waterboarder crowd.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
It will be a great opportunity for Democrat supporters in St Paul to smash windows, throw stones, burn cars and intimidate people.
Best line from James: The shirt is not a "wife beater", it's a "partner persuader".
I can see how this would make you feel like you are being invaded. You are. Why else would they choose an outstandlingly liberal area like yours to have their convo?
From the photo, it's pretty obvious one of your arms is substantially larger than the other.
From the post, it's pretty obvious why.
This post is a parody, right?
Sorry, it's sometimes difficult sorting out the real from the surreal when it comes to US politics.
Anyway, congrats on sending up the whole BDS thing that seems to have infected so much of the DNC recently. You struck just the right tone of self-absorbed narcissism and over-the-top hysteria seen in all too many genuine leftist sites.
Why else would they choose an outstandlingly liberal area like yours to have their convo?
Because the Twin Cities chamber of commerce made a better pitch for the convention than DFW or NYC?
Just a thought.
You really have no idea how silly you look and sound, do you?
Misplaced romanticism. Some guys join the military for the fancy uniforms - some guys don masks and join the Revolution.
It's really about meeting girls.
I have terrible news. There are Republicans in the Twin Cities right now. Even in Uptown. I suggest hiding under the bed for the rest of your life.
Came over from Lileks, nifty picture, Just the kind of thing I try to keep my daughters from being exposed to, because exposed "is" the word... You'd be surprised at how purple MN is, Republican Governer, republican senator... Home of 2/3 of Powerlineblog. It'll be great having them here. It'll bring a lot of money into the economy too... You know, the economy? That thing that makes the country run? Maybe I'll see you outside pretending to be intelligent by acting like a victim... Good luck with that...
I love it when whitebread dweebs put on a face mask and pretend to be revolutionaries. Look out, military industrial complex, some fuckhead has a website.
If that was a send of of the KKKos KKKiddies, nice job.
If not, well...
If this guy is serious, there is certainly no future in being a satirist.
Lighten up, Francis.
You could probably make out like a bandit selling those cute little bandanas to protestors. And you won't lack for things to blog about!
Or maybe you could actually talk to a few of those "asshats". Minds are like parachutes, remember?
Seems you're surrounded by idiots today, friend.
Only one thing to do: stay right. It'll drive 'em nuts.
(P.S. If they start making threats, take down the IP addresses.)
Another self-righteous (or perhaps you'd prefer 'self-lefteous') whiner.
Welcome to the real world, kid.
PS- if you're so cutting edge to post a picture with the word 'fuck' on it, you should be fine with 'bullshit', right? So why'd you spell it 'bullsh**'? Methinks you're trying SO hard to be edgy that you don't have a f'ing clue what you're doing.
Hey Lileks fans:
Fuck off, you Bush-loving twats.
dumb as a box of hammers and shrill as well.
Oh, Chief! How your logic wounds! Your obvious intellect does great service to your side!
I love it when whitebread dweebs put on a face mask and pretend to be revolutionaries.
Hey, and I love it when they anonymously slag people for posting their own personal opinions on their own personal sites and pretend to be reasonable or even relatively sane instead of mere Lilekian attack drones with dodgy wiring, so it looks like both of us were made a little happier today.
You are an idiot.
Dude, be who you got to be. Do what ya got to do. Tell the world what you want it to hear. Whatever.
But I do have to ask, is that a tatoo on the inside of your arm? The inside? Is it there on the inside so every morning when you put on your deodorant, it reminds you of who you are?
Are you forgetful, or something?
By the way, it was a nice touch posting about how the RNC is invading Minneapolis and using a photo of your protesting the RNC in NYC in 2004. But maybe you were living there then, too, and that explains your paranoia.
Is every commentor from Lileks as big of a pussy as he is? Do you guys piss yourselves every time you see a swarthy individual at Target too? Just wondering.
And the left being "in the pocket" of the homsexual lobby, we all know how much you doggs hate pussy...
Bad news... you've been linked by Tim Blair as well. Smile! This is your 15 minutes.
You wingnuts are all cowards, eager to burn the Bill of Rights to push back the scary darkness for five minutes, but to cowardly to post under anything but Anonymous. And so, so scared of homosexuals and Muslims and anyone who doesn't look just like you...
With the "family values" party coming to town the hookers will all be real busy. Based on the neocon's record of lies and fiscal irresponsibility, I hope the local working girls and boys will accept cash only. And wear condoms.
Blame your own side. (And maybe read a local newspaper every now and then.) Via Capt Ed, here's how the Twin Cities got the GOP convention:
[b]Twin Cities Nod A Bipartisan Win[/b]
How did the Twin Cities land the Republican National Convention for 2008? It took a bipartisan effort that predicated itself on a gentleman's agreement: all Minnesota politicians would support bids for both conventions, and whichever party chose first would get unanimous support. The combination worked better than anyone could have hoped, as the Twin Cities made both short lists. However, in the end, Howard Dean's inability to make a decision cost the Democrats the spot:***
The rest is here:
How adorable! With the bandana and the baby-fisted rants about blah blah blah and the taking yourself so seriously. Too cute.
Give 'em hell, kiddies! Let your unique voices be heard! Paint Mercedes logos on your faces!
Hey 'Tross! Can't take a joke, huh? Makes one wonder what you DO take!
Oh, and we post anonymously so the obscene bile so rampant (characteristic, one might argue) on lefty blogs doesn't follow us home to infect our sites. A firewall of sorts, if you will.
Heh. "You wingnuts are all cowards".
Yet which side is wearing the bandana wrapped around their face?
You wingnut twats are cowards because you are sitting on your fat asses trolling this blog instead of walking point in Ramadi.
If you are too old or have already served, go drive trucks for Cheneyburton, you pussies.
If you are too old or have already served, go drive trucks for Cheneyburton, you pussies.
Ah, the lovable "chickenhawk" tactic.
There are two ways to rebut this. One being the question, "so, what brave actions are you lefties doing to support your goals?" Shouldn't you be in Iraq right now, shielding innocent civilians from our murderous troops? Oh, wait, instead you hang around the park a couple hours waving protest signs, screaming hate slogans and think you're being heroic for doing so. (Not that I want you to stop, angry loonies in the street is great propaganda for the right. See: zombietime.com)
The second way is to point out that our troops are professional soldiers who are very, very good at their jobs, and they don't particularly want you or I getting in their way.
Someone needs his little diaper changed, now doesn't he?
OK, fat-ass-mouse.
I guess we all dreamed the military recently lowering recruiting standards. Why would they do that if things are so peachy-keen?
And what kind of a traitor are you to call our troops murderous?
Face it jerk, your pet war is dead. It didn't die peacefully in the night, it exploded right in our soldiers' faces.
And the war continues to explode in our military's face like a never-ending string of shrapnel-filled firecrackers. No amount of tough talk from you, no amount of internet clapping will bring it back to life. You and yours lost it through your criminal arrogance and acts of breathtaking hubris.
The pathetic thing is that you think that the patriotic "Support the troops" thing to do is throw more of them on the explosion. To die.
But not you. You will hide behind tough words instead of putting your precious ass on the line for what you believe. Letting others die for your beliefs is pretty much the definition of a coward, coward.
I LOVE what you said! It is SOO true. I have a shirt like you do but THE MAN has pressured me not to wear it when I go out for my coffee. But I say SCREW THEM! I WILL wear my shirt, if only inside when I stare out my window and heave my disdain at those damn dirty apes! Why, I'll give them the frowning of a lifetime!
Don't let the haters get you down babygirl, keep dreaming the dream, and be a hero, not a zero!
Peace Out!
Aunt Laura
Indeed, I am a coward. I don't have the nerve you have, to bravely speak Truth To Power on an interweb blog.
You do so much for this country. So heroic.
I never claimed I was heroic, fatboy. I'm appalled and depressed by what has happened to our military under Bush.
What I said that you are a coward who lacks the balls to act on your convictions.
You are the one who gladly lets others die in a war you support, while you play web footsie with me.
Meanwhile the troops you supposedly "support" get sent back for a 4th tour. And soon, 5th tours.
Think any of them would mind letting you take their place?
Comments from above:
"You've been linked by Lileks. Expect a flood of hits from the thuglican Bushitler theocrat waterboarder crowd."
"Hey Lileks fans:
Fuck off, you Bush-loving twats."
The impulse to use those names is exactly the same impulse as calling someone a fucking Jew or a nigger. In both cases, there's enough dose of weird moral superiority to make it okay. And since your version is almost all moral superiority-based, it's actually in a way more poisonous.
"But look at the names they're using here!" No they're not, not the vast majority. What these comments convey is basic logical anger at a guy who they know, for sure, doesn't know what he's talking about in a variety of ways, thinks he does, and thinks he has the right to be all rebellious and rageful because of it.
As for that name-calling: man. I can't be on the same side as any political movement that traffics so regularly and proudly in bullshit like that. Don't talk to me about the right-wing Bushitler commentators. You don't even really know them.
The phrase "pet war' could support an entire term paper on ignorance.
I went to school in Santa Cruz, so I got to see all of the revolutionaries in their costumes, acting out misunderstood stories about the leftist revolutions our professors were such fans of...while the people of the SovBlock were busy breaking the chains. Ever seen a lifelong Marxist try to explain why The Workers were overthrowing themselves? The cognitive dissonance was so beautiful, it makes me misty still.
Luckily for the left,(Oil!) Saddam (CIA invention!) invaded (we greenlighted it!) Kuwait (Not really a country!)It's all a conspiracy! It's the Bush/CIA/military industrial complex/oil company nexus, out to rob us of the good times, just 'cause they can. They need to invent a conspiracy to match their world view, no matter how little sense it makes.
Take off that bandana, you fool. No one is going lock you away for hating Bush, and you know it.
"Take off that bandana, you fool. No one is going lock you away for hating Bush, and you know it."
Thank you.
If you make the case that this is some sort of pet war, fought for gain under false pretenses, I would love to see a list of all the "gains" that have accrued to the right, the GOP, or to Bush.
Please explain how the council of evil geniuses sat around the table and came up with THIS as that easiest, surest way to make money or stay in power.
Easier and surer than, for instance, promising free college, closed borders, free health care for kids,all very popular, while slipping some major dough to Haliburton and Bechtel to rebuild levees, or build light rail.
That would be a lot more lucrative and a whole lot safer.
Frankly, Paul S., like many Bush apologists, you put huge emphasis on what liberals say and pay absolutely no attention to what Bush and the GOP have done to our country and military.
Hollow out the military? Never mind that, it's more important that some college professor idiot no one has ever heard of said something stupid! Heads will roll!
Iraq turning into a huge terror incubator? Big deal. The important issue is cussing on the Internet!
I could give two shits about how you assholes talk or what you say. All I want is for someone to be held accountable for this fiasco. The people to be held responsible are those that started it, Bush and the GOP.
And "Anonymous", what has this war gained the GOP?
Let's see...a piss-frightened easy-to-mislead populace...cowed media...the 2002 election...the 2004 election...windfall profits for GOP-supporting oil companies...and windfall profits for the GOP-supporting military industrial complex. (Kinda ironic a Republican President and General from my neck of the woods, Eisenhower, coined that phrase, huh?)
The "how about what the administration has done" argument is response #1, Ras. Fine. That's the best you got, go with it.
They're independent topics. I'm talking about something that amounts to an epidemic on the left: ignorant hatred.
"Bush apologist" - you don't know me or my politics. I disagree with you; you panic and categorize.
"You assholes" - okay, good. Fuck you. See, it's really easy. Maybe I'll put a bandana on and try it that way next time.
But anyway, you morons are gonna have to wake up and deal with the anger you're engendering. It's very widespread, and growing, and we're much, much better-informed than you.
The fact that Kerry lost in 2004 is basically proof of it. The fact that the Democrats may still not sweep both houses is more. I mean good God, how much more could you be handed - a war not going at all well that had its basic rationale destroyed from the get-go? What more do you need - is there maybe possibly something wrong with the rage approach?
Oh no, of course not. You're not angry enough - that's the ticket. And of course that old stand-by, the people are stupid.
Incidentally: Keith Olbermann is the high priest of this nonsense lately. He's a conscious liar, in almost all of his sermons. He knows rage sells, and you're falling for it. Kind of a modern-day inverse Father Coughlin. Except of course the anti-Semitism is creeping into the modern left, in Europe right now primarily, so there are some 'policy' similarities too.
Man, I sure am glad that the RNC didn't pick Tampa. Phew. Bullet dodged.
On another topic, this comment thread is a revealing glimpse into the readership of Jimmy the Pantswetter. And it doesn't reveal much good . . .
Paul S., first you say it's lefty "anger" that is the problem.
Then you say that we are going to have to "...deal with the anger we are engendering." So, it's only lefty anger that is the problem, not righty anger?
Nice situational ethics you got there. But that goes back to my point, what kind of person values words of individual citizens over the actions of an entire gov't?
How trivial and superficial can you be?
(This will probably be the last I'll respond to this.)
Just gonna leave it at the vague insult, Spencer? I would guess that works in the circles in which you intellectualize.
Like, for example, what do you think of the point that's been made a few times that the bandana is perfectly symbolic of a faux "courage," and that this blog-mesieter really kows as well as we do that he faces absolutely no risk in speaking like he does? And so for people who disagree with him, it's just dumb, and borderline pathetic? Can you kinda see that?
ras, as to the first point: I'm referring, of course, to what I perceive as honest, well-grounded anger not just from conservatives, but from a large circle of angry lefties and former lefties.
Anger itself is not the problem. Dishonest anger, which almost automatically means bullying anger, is the problem.
And summarily dismissing the importance of the tone and tactics of political dissent is the trivial and superfical approach. It's a topic with a long pedigree - it goes back for example to James Burke, who was horrified by the French Revolution for strikingly similar reasons.
A culture of dishonest bullying dissent is just about the worst thing a society can face. There's absolutely no way to respond to it, and it tends to feed on itself.
Dishonesty in the powers that be is a terrible thing, but it does not excuse dishonesty in dissent. In fact it demands thorough honesty in dissent. More dishonesty will always just make things worse.
Your "Reality Based Community" at work.
Geezuz you are a dickhead!
RAAAAAAAAAGE on comrade.
, I hope the local working girls and boys will accept cash only. And wear condoms.
Hookers don't wear condoms if the customer is a Democrat?
We're bringing extra pods. How long can you stay awake, tough guy?>
Awww, Lileks' fan club came right on over, just like Jim hoped they would. It's like the Mouseketeers for angry middle-aged guys.
The FDA definition:
"Reality-based": less than 10% actual reality by volume...
Your logo has an iPod. That's silly.
Kyle, I think Paul can be forgiven for conflating the obviously comparable genius of James Lileks and Edmund Burke--two sides of the same coin, really. Both are tragically aware that the past can never be reclaimed but nevertheless devoted to its memory and its reverence. That is the heart of conservatism.
You know, that didn't sound right when I typed it quick before heading home. Maybe I was thinking of James Burton? Who knows. It is, though, you're right, absolutely the height of ignorance to do that. I formally surrender on every point here.
Oh, not quite. Yes there is vileness in the right world. But it rules and dominates the left blog world in a way that it doesn't the right, and if you think it does you really, really havn't looked: either at a range of sites or for that matter honestly and fairly at some of the sites you even name here.
And ignorant hatred dominates self-righteous left politics to a huge extent; self-righeous hatred of the right is pretty much what's animating the left these days.
"Both are tragically aware that the past can never be reclaimed but nevertheless devoted to its memory and its reverence. That is the heart of conservatism."
Not bad. Just keep in mind it's also possible to be addicted to rebellion and change. And it's arguably a more common addiction. And more destructive.
In general: get out and deal with the actual arguments from people who disagree with you, rather than always congratulating yourselves for besting your strange versions of them in fantasy fights featuring, I guess, bandanas.
No, really, we're winning the war on terrorism! In Iraq -- because, really, that's where the terrorrists are! And the Iraqis are standing up! So we can stand down! It hasn't been a waste of lives, materiel, or money! Really! So we haven't caught Osama bin Laden, it doesn't matter, we got Saddam, the REAL terrorist! Really! Don't believe the biased left-wing media, talking about soldiers and civilians being killed and maimed by IEDs! The Iraqis love George Bush! Really! And they love each other, too! Blowing people up is their way of showing how much they love them!
Everything is beautiful, in its own way...
Muah! Muah!
I've fooled you damndable hippies again! This "reefer" is nothing more than harmless tobacco, and I am no more Wavy Gravy than Spiro Agnew. Now be gone all of you!
Your "Flower Power" is no match for my GLOWER POWER!!! BUUUWAAAHH!!!
Hey, I looked up "loser" in the dictionary and your picture was there too!!!
I think you're all hilarious. Personally, I've lost faith in all the politicians.
And the fact that both lefties and righties are blindly spewing rage at each other while the world goes to hell is sad. Wake up and do something to better your country. Fighting amongst each other is a waste of time. We should all be working together, because both the left and the right sides brought us to the point we're at. May I remind you people that the Democrats voted for the war too? May I also remind you that the Republicans have managed to run up the national debt and suffer corruption scandal after corruption scandal? And the Democrats are too weak and scared of real opinions or action to do anything about it.
All this partisan bullshit reflects your ignorance. The world is grey. It is not as simple as one side being right and the other wrong. Can't we all just get along? If this is what the country has come to, it's sad, because it means people are too pessimistic/stupid to deserve the right to vote.
We are in Iraq to fight the terrorists, who weren't in Iraq until we got there. Except for the Kurdish terrorists, who are busy blowing the Turks.
BTW: My apologies for the lewdness. Then again, if the languaged used is what rises to the level of "offensive" at this point, then those persons affected need to catch up on current events IMO.
Fly my monkeys! Fly!
I'm certain Mr. Lileks would be in Iraq right now fighting the Islamofascists if only he circumvent the Army's age and height requirements.
By the way, that should read, "blowing up the Turks." not "blowing the Turks."
Although maybe they're doing that too, in the interest of pan Arabic brotherhood. First blow them, THEN blow them up.
Jeez, I need a proofreader.
"If only he could circumvent..."
If you can't see that the extremist right wants to exterminate anyone to the left of Nixon, you are the one who can't see the forest for the trees.
Wow. You have your head up your ass and still can't see squat.
Why can't 2 anarchists get together without a newspaper box flying through a Starbucks window. Look, I dislike paying $9 for a double decafe chocofracachaspresso as much as the next guy (especially when, as a kid growing up in an Italian suburb, we called it "espresso with sambuca"). But I have yet to throw a newspaper box through a window.
Conservatives are not going to find us liberals very compliant any more. The whole picture's changed. We have found our collective voice. We have been at a disadvantage against the Bush machine, being civilized people and all, but now we have had enough. We want a stop to this war.
It is a provocation for Republicans to come into St. Paul, sort of like a Democratic foray into Dallas.
Or maybe the Repubs just figure that all those white liberals will be too civilized to protest their convention. See above.
"Your side wants the elimination of any and all political opposition, the poor and needy, the dark of skin."
You're projecting.
'puglicans gonna lose in 06, 'puglicans gonna loooooose!
Sing it with me!
You poor, poor souls. Stock up on cheetos.
two things.
I am such a proponent of olbermann recently.
thanks for the blogroll. youll be up on mine by the end of the week.
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